What is a eukaryotic cell?
A eukaryotic cell, or a cell that contains membrane-bound structures, is
the basis for every multicellular organism, including animals, plants, and
humans as well as some unicellular organisms (organisms with a single cell),
such as protozoa.
Eukaryotic cells contain several membrane-bound
structures, or organelles, which are specialized cellular subunits that carry
out specific cellular functions. The nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear
membrane, also called the nuclear envelope, which protects the genetic material
stored inside. The nuclear membrane contains nuclear pores, which selectively
allow only certain substances to pass through. Another membrane-bound organelle
is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). There are two types of ER: rough and smooth.
The rough ER extends from the nuclear membrane, is covered with ribosomes, and
is the location of protein synthesis. Meanwhile, the smooth ER is the main site
of lipid and steroid synthesis. The Golgi apparatus, another organelle, extends from
the rough ER and is responsible for modifying and packaging proteins into their
final form. Another organelle with an important role is the mitochondria, which
is where most of the energy for the cell is produced. There are additional
organelles that may be present in various eukaryotic cells. Each eukaryotic cell can specialize and contain a
different proportion of each organelle type depending on its function.

What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
The primary difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that a nucleus and other
membrane-bound organelles are only present in eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells make up prokaryotes and eukaryotes, respectively. Prokaryotes are always unicellular,
while eukaryotes are often multi-celled
organisms. Additionally, eukaryotic cells are more than 100 to 10,000 times larger
than prokaryotic cells and are much more complex.
The DNA in eukaryotes is stored within the nucleus, while DNA is
stored in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes. Additionally, DNA in eukaryotic cells is stored in double-stranded chromosomes
that are condensed by histones. In contrast, prokaryotic cells have one primary
circular chromosome and various plasmids, which are small rings of DNA. The DNA
of eukaryotic cells has proportionally
less coding DNA and high amount of non-coding DNA compared to prokaryotic
cells. The ribosomes in eukaryotic cells are 80S, with 40S and 60S subunits, and
in prokaryotic cells: 70S with 30 and 50S subunits.
The makeup of the locomotive structures (i.e.,
flagellum) also varies between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In eukaryotic cells, flagella are microtubule bundles composed of
dynein and a plasma membrane that is powered by
ATP to make a blending motion. Prokaryotic locomotive structures are instead
composed of repeated flagellin, a hook, and a motor complex attached to
the cellular membrane that is powered by protons to make a
rotator motion.
The cell types also vary in their
mechanisms of cell division. Prokaryotes can undergo binary fission where one
cell multiplies its contents, the cytoplasmic membrane elongates
in cytokinesis separating the DNA molecules, and two identical cells emerge.
All eukaryotes undergo a
similar but more complicated process called mitosis. In both binary fission and
mitosis, the parent cells have the exact same number of chromosomes as their
daughter cells. However, in sexually reproducing eukaryotic organisms, they can also
undergo meiosis during
which re-assortment creates genetically unique reproductive cells called
gametes or sex cells, which have half the number of chromosomes as the parent
cells, so they are known as haploids.
How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells similar?
All prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have some similar features as they both
contain ribosomes, genetic material, a cytoplasm, and plasma membranes. The cytoplasm is made up of cytosol, which is the intracellular fluid in which the organic material inside
the cell is suspended and the place where most cellular activity occurs. Plasma
membranes protect the cell and allow for transportation of materials in or out
of the cells.
What are some examples of eukaryotic cells?
are two main types of eukaryotic cells: plant and animal cells. A plant cell has a
cell wall, which is a hard cellular membrane surrounding the cell; a large vacuole;
and chloroplasts that undergo photosynthesis by using light as energy for the
cell. In contrast, animal cells have only a cellular membrane, typically small
vacuoles, and no chloroplasts.
There are
many different types of animal cells, many of which are solely found in the
human body. They all begin from a singular stem cell, which continues to
replicate and divide and eventually differentiates into the specialized cells in the body. These specialized cells each have unique shapes and
proportions of organelles depending on their function. For example, epithelial
cells that line the intestines have cilia to help absorb nutrients and are
labile, meaning they constantly regenerate. Meanwhile nerve cells have a long
thin axon to quickly transmit information and survive for many years, so they
are permanent cells.
are the most important facts to know about eukaryotic cells?
Eukaryotic cells are cells containing membrane-bound
organelles and are the basis for both unicellular and multicellular organisms.
In contrast, prokaryotic cells do not have any membrane-bound organelles and
are always part of unicellular organisms. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have similar features, like ribosomes,
genetic material, a cytoplasm, and plasma membranes. There are two primary types of eukaryotic cells: animal and plant cells. The human body
contains various types of eukaryotic cells, including neurons, intestinal cells, and
blood cells.
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